Why Expert Water Heater Installation is Important

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When your Phoenix home needs a new water heater, call Day & Night Air for the friendliest, most prompt water heater installation at affordable prices. Our trained technicians can put in any type of system, from conventional units to hybrid water heater installations to amazing tankless technology.

Tanks? A Lot!

Water heater replacement gives you options, and at Day & Night Air, we welcome change. You may have had a small standard tank water heater in an existing home you bought. With a growing family, perhaps you should consider a larger-capacity tank. We offer many fuel sources for conventional tanked water heaters:

  • Hybrid designs
  • Gas
  • Electric

Day & Night Air recommends RUUD brand conventional and hybrid units. They are solid, dependable, easily maintained and economical. RUUD has been building water heaters since 1889, so with more than a century of know-how to draw on, the company produces some of the best water heaters available to Phoenix customers.

Want To Go Tankless?

With Navien tankless water heaters, you can enjoy a virtually limitless supply of hot water from the moment you turn on the tap. Navien tankless water heater installation can be done quickly, with minimal disruption, in exactly the spot you need it, such as:

  • A new addition to your home
  • Guest bathroom
  • Laundry room
  • Kitchen
  • Master bathroom suite

These small, energy-efficient units provide abundant hot water for most household needs while taking up far less space than a conventional tank.

It’s the Little Extras

At Day & Night Air we realize you can pick from many local HVAC and plumbing contractors. How do you select the one company that goes beyond standard service? Look for the little extras that can make all the difference. Consider what Day & Night Air offers:

  • Our installation price always includes removal of your old water tank.
  • We always recycle the old tank, keeping the metal out of landfill.

Our technicians are trained to install water heaters so reliably you almost never have to deal with a callback (a return service call due to a problem). The best water heater, improperly installed, will do you no more good than the most mediocre water heater.

Safety is always a concern, but never more so than when dealing with gas water heater installation. Trust the qualified service representatives from Day & Night Air to solve any installation problem and to provide correct and adequately sized piping and run electrical lines as needed.

Why Choose Day & Night Air for Professional Water Heater Installation?

Why choose Day & Night Air for tankless or conventional, tanked water heater sales, installation and service? Because of our commitment to quality workmanship, expert knowledge and quick service that is respectful of your time. Give us a call at (602) 492-9656 or contact us online today!

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