What are the Benefits of a Smart Thermostat?

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As people become more dependent on the Internet, smart technology is replacing many of the traditional ways of doing things. As part of this, more homeowners in Phoenix are replacing their traditional thermostats with smart thermostats.

The basic function of a thermostat is to measure the inside temperature and make adjustments, either by turning on or off, to reach the temperature you have set. While this may work well when you are home, it presents challenges when you are gone. For example, in the cold months of winter, you may set the temperature for lower when you are at work and then have to deal with a cold home when you return, as it takes a little while for it to heat up again.

A smart thermostat install can change all of this. It integrates with your smartphone and offers special sensor technology so you can control the temperature even when you are away. This results in a number of benefits, such as cost and energy savings for homeowners. If you are considering a thermostat replacement, consider how a smart thermostat works and what some of the advantages are.


What is a smart thermostat?

A smart thermostat connects remotely to your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. This allows you to set and monitor temperatures so you get ideal comfort as well as the best efficiency. With this system, you can program settings to fit your cooling and heating needs as well as your daily schedules, vacations, and weather conditions.

How does a smart thermostat work?

If you are impressed with what a smart thermostat does, you may want to know exactly how it works. This type of thermostat has three basic parts. One component connects directly to your compatible HVAC system. This part, in turn, connects with the thermostat control. Finally, there is the smart app, which you download to the device, such as your phone, computer, or tablet you plan on using.

A basic smart thermostat works with an Internet connection so you can control it from virtually anywhere, whether it is your office, car, or another country.


Smart Thermostats vs Programmable Thermostats

A smart thermostat basically does many of the same things a programmable type does but in a much more advanced manner. With a programmable thermostat, you can set temperature limits for certain periods of time. For example, you may program it to be a certain temperature during the day, a different one in the evening, and maybe another temperature for while you sleep. If you go out of town you can also set an away setting.

You also program a smart thermostat, but you can control it from anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection. This allows you flexibility and makes up for human error. For example, if you go on vacation but realize you forgot to set the thermostat accordingly, you can change it remotely with a smart thermostat. With a programmable one, you would be stuck with the current temperature and face a bigger energy bill as a result.

A smart thermostat also offers additional features to make your life easier. However, if you are diligent about setting and monitoring the thermostat, and you are not away very much, you may not see much of a difference from a smart system compared to a programmable one in terms of energy use.


Benefits of a Smart Thermostat in Your Home

Installing a smart thermostat in your home has numerous benefits. These include:

Peace of mind when not at home

Whether you vacation a lot or you have multiple residences, a smart thermostat allows you to get a peek as to what is happening in your home. You can check the app to make sure the temperature is where it should be and that things are functioning correctly.

Helps correct human mistakes

If you forget to make adjustments to the thermostat before you leave for the day, weekend, or month, a smart thermostat can fix it.

Control system from anywhere

One of the biggest benefits of a smart thermostat is you can adjust temperatures and change its programming from anywhere. Whether you are sitting on the couch and don’t want to get up and change the temperature or your flight is delayed and you won’t be home when expected, you can control the system from your mobile device.

Easy programming

If you are a fan of programmable thermostats but you also appreciate the other benefits a smart thermostat has, you will like how easy it is to program these new systems. The app is well-designed, and the directions are simple to follow.

Numerous reports

A smart thermostat delivers precise reports so you can view short-term and long-term energy consumption. You can get real-time estimates and data over a monthly, quarterly, or annual time frame. You can also compare it to past reports to see how your efficiency has improved and compare it to other users to see how your energy use measures up.

Receive immediate alerts

If your system is not functioning as it should, you receive immediate alerts through your email. These may occur if the thermostat disconnects or if the home’s temperature is not staying in the range you programmed.

Adjust for time away

If you are going on vacation or have to travel for work, you can set your thermostat to vacation mode. You can set it to a particular temperature when you are gone without interfering with the regular programming for your normal schedule.

Save energy

With a focus on saving valuable resources, one favorable benefit of a smart thermostat is it helps save energy. Not only does the thermostat automatically manage the climate in your home, but the app provides motivation as well. Receive tips on how to save energy and receive “rewards” for making energy-efficient choices.

Integrate climate control with home automation

If you choose certain smart thermostat systems, you can control so much more than just your temperature from a remote location. You can manage lighting, appliances, and even security preferences. Ease your mind no matter where you are when you can access your home through your mobile devices.


How Much is a Smart Thermostat

As you start researching smart thermostats, you may notice that their initial costs are higher than for a programmable thermostat. While the upfront price tag is higher for a smart thermostat, you should consider the long-term savings, convenience, & comfort of these types of systems.


Is a Smart Thermostat Right for You?

If you practically live on your smartphone and tablet, you probably appreciate the convenience and control that they provide. You are the perfect candidate for a smart thermostat, as you understand how technology can improve your life and you are adept at using apps. With the ability to customize your preferences from a variety of devices, as well as the money you will save, getting a smart thermostat is a no brainer.

On the other hand, if you have a smartphone but only use it to make calls and maybe send a text, the thought of getting a smart thermostat may be a bit overwhelming. If you currently have a programmable thermostat, and you are adept at setting it for your needs, you may not benefit as much from a smart thermostat.

If you, however, have an older thermostat, such as a digital or analog type, you are due for an upgrade because more than likely your energy bills are through the roof. A smart thermostat may be the right choice if you are forgetful and can’t remember to adjust the thermostat before you leave home, or if you live by the seat of your pants. A smart system helps control your home’s climate, allowing you to be flexible while saving some serious cash.


Give Day & Night Air a Call

If you live in the Phoenix area and have decided that a smart thermostat is for you, or if you want the experts to analyze your current system to see if you should upgrade, Day & Night Air can answer all your questions. Contact us to schedule an appointment and help you with all your heating and cooling needs.

Call: (602) 492-9656 for a free evaluation for your home.

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