Amidst record-breaking heatwaves battering most of the western United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported some of the highest temperatures in the history of Arizona. For six consecutive days in June, Phoenix and Tucson set record-high temperatures, with the latter even recording a sweltering 118 degrees.
With this, many homeowners are relying on their HVAC units more than ever. Unfortunately, many homes still use “swamp coolers” or older HVAC units that aren’t built for today’s rising temperatures. If you’re not sure whether you need HVAC service in Phoenix or if you need a new unit, here are some telltale signs that you need to upgrade to a newer model ASAP:
You call for repairs too often
It’s normal for HVAC units to get basic repairs every so often. Specifically, components like the capacitor and contactors will need the occasional tune-up and that’s okay. However, if more complicated components like the compressor or the coils begin fluctuating that could be a costly repair. Over time, the continued repairing of the HVAC will cost you a lot more than if you were just to buy a brand new unit without any issues. This is especially true now that HVAC components are in short supply due to a spiking market value. If you’ve had to get your HVAC professionally repaired more than twice in a season, it may be time to go for a new model altogether.
Your utility bills seem to keep increasing
If your HVAC use hasn’t changed but your utility bills keep increasing, that means your unit is wasting energy. Over time, your HVAC will have built-up dirt and corrosion which drastically reduce unit efficiency. If this is a persistent issue, your rising utility bills will soon be accompanied by constant repair fees, hence opting for a new unit may be preferable. However, if you’re wary of further breaking your budget by upgrading your HVAC, then you should note that doing so could make you eligible for a tax break. In Marcus’ guide to tax breaks for homeowners, they explain that installing a qualified energy-efficient HVAC is a way to earn energy credits. Just make sure that you consult a professional—like the IRS and your trusty HVAC expert—since these residential credits and eligibility requirements are often subject to change. (Credit:
The unit has been in use for 10 to 12 years
An HVAC system’s unit is expected to reduce in performance throughout the years due to continued use. Since most units have a lifespan of 15-20 years, that means older units may be running on less than a quarter of their original capacity. Since most homes are outfitted with units meant to strategically cool a given area, an old and faulty HVAC will use more energy only to unevenly cool a space. For homeowners, this will result in many compensating by adding extra appliances. But, again, this just means more spending and higher bills. Since most units older than ten years old also utilize phased-out components, it’s much more practical to buy a new unit that is sustainable and repairable.
The unit emits unusual noises and/or odors
Unpleasant odors could be a sign of mold and mildew in your HVAC. Aside from being malodorous, mold can pose a very dangerous health risk. In Healthline’s post on house mold, some of the symptoms that one can experience following the inhalation of spores includes headaches, skin rashes, congestion, and lung irritation to name a few. For asthmatics, exposure to mold can even trigger an attack. Meanwhile, another cause for concern is strange sounds. Any loud vibrating or rattling could mean that parts are loose or worn out. In the long run, this can mean widespread damage to the whole system that is beyond repair.
As summer continues on, a brand new HVAC system is the best investment to make. In our ‘7 Tips to Minimize the Strain on Your HVAC System During the Summer’ article, it states that a unit in great condition not only provides a more comfortable home, but it also improves indoor air quality. With dozens of energy-efficient models available on the market, contact your trusted HVAC specialists today to see if it’s time to do yourself a favor, and make the upgrade.
Written by Alysson Mina Clark
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