How Do SRP Rebates Work?

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Salt River Project (SRP) power and water has a goal of assisting residential customers in the Phoenix Metropolitan area with the reduction of energy usage in the home. In addition to providing resources and advice to customers, SRP offers rebates and discounts for energy-efficient changes made to the home.
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What are SRP Rebates?

As an incentive to reduce the use of electricity in the home, SRP provides several rebate options to customers. By using a professional company to update, repair, or install certain qualifying features, SRP customers can apply to receive monetary incentives. Currently, SRP rebates are available for residential customers who choose to upgrade or install new shade screens, air-conditioning, or ductwork.

Sun Screens

One of the easiest ways to avoid excess heat coming into the home is to protect the windows with shade screens. Not only do screens help stop sun damage to your home’s interior, but they can also drastically reduce cooling costs by blocking heat that comes through the windows. In order to qualify for a shade screen rebate, customers need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Check the manufacturer warranty on existing windows to make sure shade screen installation won’t result in a voided warranty.
  • Choose between qualifying shade screen options and have them installed by a licensed contractor. Qualifying screens are ones that are installed on clear glass sun-facing windows and block a minimum of 80% of the sun’s heat coming through the windows.
  • Screens must be installed on the exterior of the windows and the interior of the space must be air-conditioned.
  • The recipient of the rebate must be a permanent residential customer of SRP and must fill out and submit a shade screen rebate application to be considered.

Air Conditioning

SRP offers a large rebate incentive to customers who choose to replace an older, less efficient air conditioning system with an updated high-efficiency product. A central air conditioner that is more than 10 years old is likely not performing at full capacity, especially if over time electricity use is increasing while the interior temperature is either remaining the same or having trouble regulating. Other signs of decreased efficiency include excessive noise and system run time. Customers choosing to take advantage of this rebate will need to complete the following steps.

  • Choose a new high-efficiency air-conditioning system to replace an existing unit. In the case of a split system, the condensing unit and the air handler must both be replaced.
  • The system must be installed by a licensed contractor and inspected by an SRP approved agent so compliance with requirements can be verified.
  • The rebate recipient must be a permanent residential customer of SRP.
  • The customer must submit the rebate application detailing information about both the new and the old system along with Manual J, a supplemental document required for timely processing.

AC Ductwork

Another major source of lost energy efficiency in a residential home is leaky ductwork. Homeowners can sometimes identify a potential duct problem by recognizing a room in the home that is not able to regulate temperature in the same way as adjacent rooms. However, the only real way to test for leaky, defective, or improperly installed ductwork is through a certified inspection. BPI-certified contractors can test for and repair duct issues, and SRP offers a rebate for customers that have qualified testing and necessary repairs completed. Customers who wish to take advantage of this offer need to complete several steps to receive the rebate.

  • The rebate recipient must be a permanent SRP residential customer.
  • All testing must be completed by a certified Duct Test and Repair professional contractor.
  • Recommended repairs must be completed and, upon request, inspected for compliance.
  • An applicant must be completed and submitted.

During the testing process, the contractor could find a variety of issues that need to be addressed. Many of the most common issues stem from improper initial installation. The contractor could need to complete a wide variety of duct corrections or improvements, including re-sealing connections and liners, sealing gaps, replacing insulation, or fastening equipment to the frame of the home. Test readings will be taken before and after any repairs have taken place to ensure compliance with rebate guidelines.

SRP Rebate Amounts

Incentive amounts vary according to house and equipment size. SRP offers a rebate of 80 cents per square foot for professionally installed and qualified shade screens. Air-conditioning system SRP residential rebates on qualified system replacements start at $400 and max out at $800, depending upon the SEER and other factors such as home size. As for duct testing and repair, a customer could receive either $200 or $250, depending on the type of home.

How to Get Started with SRP Rebates

Any SRP customer in the Phoenix metro area who is interested in finding ways to reduce energy costs and increase energy efficiency in the home should review the SRP website for tips and consider home energy-efficient upgrades. If you have decided to greatly increase your energy-efficiency through a new air-conditioning system, reach out to Day and Night Air to get a new industry standard system installed and verified.

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