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Windows are more than just a decoration that improves your home’s curb appeal. They can help maintain the energy efficiency of your HVAC system by keeping your home properly sealed. Drafty windows can make your home uncomfortable on top of high energy bills. It’s important to be aware of the signs of a window draft so you can address the issue as quickly as possible.

Some warning signs that you may have drafty windows include the following.

  • You Feel A Draft: If you feel a breeze coming from your window even when it is closed, this could be a sign that something is wrong with the window.
  • The Seal On Your Window Is Cracked Or Damaged: The seal around your windows can begin to fail over time, and one of the first signs of this is visible cracks or damage to the seals. These can let air drafts in and compromise the integrity of your windows.
  • There Are Cracks In Your Window Panes: Cracks in the glass of your windows are not only unpleasant to look at, but they can lead to drafts and prevent your windows from doing their jobs.
  • Your Windows Fog Up: If the seal between your window panes is broken or damaged, air can seep in between the panes and cause your windows to fog. This can add unwanted moisture to your windows.
  • Your Energy Bills Keep Going Up: Minor fluctuations in your energy bills are normal depending on the season, but an increase in bills for seemingly no reason can be a sign that your HVAC system is losing efficiency due to a window draft.

Causes of Window Draft

Drafty Windows

Now we know the warning signs to look out for, but why do windows start to get drafty in the first place? Common causes of a window draft can include:

  • Poor Installation: Windows that are not installed properly are more likely to be drafty from the get-go.
  • Poor Caulking: Part of the installation process is caulking the window in place so there is a tight air seal. If this step is missed or done poorly, it can lead to gaps and cracks that can let air into your home and create drafts.
  • Aging Windows: The specific lifespan of your windows depends on various factors such as the manufacturer and the style of your windows. If you have older windows, they may be more susceptible to cracked seals or panes that lead to unpleasant drafts.

How To Seal Drafty Windows

Here are some tips and tricks to help you seal a drafty window on your own.

  • Lock Your Windows: When your windows are unlocked, there is a gap that forms between the sashes that allow air in. Locking your windows pulls these sashes together and closes that gap, creating a tighter seal.
  • Fill In Any Major Gaps You Find: If some cracks or gaps are large enough for you to fit your finger in, you can use a backer rod to fill in the gap and prevent drafts.
  • Use Plastic to Insulate Your Windows: Hardware stores sell window resealing kits that include plastic sheeting and double-sided tape. Simply attach the plastic to your window and use a hair dryer to shrink the plastic until it creates a tight seal around the window.
  • Use Temporary Caulk: Temporary caulk is a great sealing option that does not involve drastic renovations to your window. You can find it at any hardware store, and it can be used to reseal minor cracks or wear on your window seals.

Similar Read: Home Insulation

Benefits of Sealing Window Drafts

Why go through all of the hassle to reseal a drafty window? While it may seem like a chore that you can push off for a while, sealing drafts can increase the comfortability of your home while also reducing the amount of allergens and insects in your home. It can also prolong the life of your windows and save you from having to invest in window replacements.

Sealing a drafty window can also improve the overall energy efficiency of your home. It allows for your HVAC system to heat and cool your home more efficiently without using as much energy, lowering the cost of your energy bills each month

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