How to See Snow near Phoenix This Winter

Snowy Day in Arizona San Francisco Peaks

At Day & Night Air, our HVAC technicians are amazingly handy,  but they haven’t even perfected the time machine to get us back to Phoenix’s record snowfall. Our Colorado and New England neighbors may chuckle to hear of it, but (says the National Weather Service) we really did have a full inch of snow, not once, but three separate times!

If we could turn back the clock, we would take our customers to January 20, 1933, and January 21 and 22, 1937 to revel in real snow. Sadly, we cannot get you there from here, but that does not mean Phoenicians can’t enjoy a winter wonderland this season.

Where to Go for the Snow

Pack up the car, kids and soft flexible snow toys for a drive a little under three hours to Oak Hill Snow Play Area, a free place for every age. Take I-17 North to Flagstaff, I-40 West to Parks exit #178. Turn right onto Route 66, make a left and continue for four miles until you see the sign for the play area.

Hardier souls or those with downhill experience can trek up to Sunrise Ski Park, a cool four-hour drive northeast of Phoenix into the White Mountains. The resort offers sleigh rides, cross country skiing, ice fishing, sledding, and tubing as well as downhill skiing and snowboarding.

Cold Weather Fun in the City

You can even find winter fun right here in Phoenix, too. You can ice skate at CitySkate Holiday Ice Rink, returning for another banner year. Open until January 9, with different skate sessions through the holidays, the rink is on Central Avenue, which will remain closed between Washington and Jefferson streets. Get in and skate for $15, including skate rental. If you do not skate, just play in the (manufactured) snowfall.
ice skating in phoenix cityskate downtown
Want more snow? Try the Arizona Science Center’s Snow Week, Dec. 26-Jan. 1, with some 60 tons of snow and ice spread across Heritage and Science Park. Play in the snow for free!

Snow Joke

At Day & Night Air we of all people can tell you, Phoenix winters are mild, and summers will put your central air conditioning to the test. Winter is a great time to have your A/C inspected and tuned up, and, though the weather outside may not be frightful, nights can still get cold! Have your furnace or heater serviced by our experts and contact Day & Night Air today to schedule your service.